Turkish Mapfold

Summer unfoldingRecently someone who bought my blizzard binding bookmaking kit asked if I knew any other origami-like book folding methods. I immediately thought of the Turkish map fold. You might have seen it used in higher-end folded travel maps. I used it in one of my books — Summer — that’s it on the left, showing the fold opening up.
If you’d like to try making one, my friend David Rosen, who loves folded structures of all kinds, has a PDF with good clear instructions available on his website along with a bit of history and commentary about the technique. You can also see pictorial directions for making the turkish mapfold here.

UPDATE: David’s instructions are no longer available. Click here for directions. Click here to see a summary of instructions on how to make the fold plus several variations and ways to use the fold in a book.

3 thoughts on “Turkish Mapfold”

  1. Hello, Green Chair Press blog,
    I would love to learn to make the Turkish mapfold. I tried to download the pdf as suggested, but your friend, David Rosen’s website seems to be down or removed. Can you please re-direct me towards a template and instructions please.

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